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Voting Force According to the Mediamark Research BoomerView study, 55% of Boomers report they voted in a federal, state or local election in the last 12 months, which means they are 22% more likely to vote then the overall all adult average; Home Fix-up 30.8% of Boomers reported doing home remodeling in last 12 months, which is 21% higher then all adults

Grandparent Trends: 2000 Census reveals that 5.4 million children, or nearly 1 in 8 live in homes with a grandparent. 85% of grandmothers living in homes with grandchildren are under 65 years old.

Changes in Aging Research "Blowing in the Wind" :

The International Longevity Center (ILC-USA)reports that the US spends only 0.03% as much on aging research as it does on health care services for older people.
By year 2020, there will be 69 million aging Boomers, aged 65 and over.
Says ILC President, Robert Butler, "we are on the brink of new biological interventions that will postpone the onset of disease and reduce disability rates even further."

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The Boomer Marketing & Research Center in San Diego was conceived by Phil Goodman in 1995 to help different industries and businesses make a successful transition to the 21st Century.

Our research provides you with 6 Powerful Benefits:

1. Get closer to your customer by understanding their core values and needs.;

2. Identify strong market segments within each generation based on differences in actual consumer behavior.

3. Reposition your products or services to meet the needs and expectations of new generations as they transition into your market's target age range.

4. Reach new age groups by appealing to their core values and needs.

5. Enhance cross-sell opportunities by knowing the entire market basket of goods and services used by different segments within each of the generations.

6. Determine future demand in a dynamic marketplace as babyboomers mature and younger generations enter their prime earning years.

Today, the research center is one of the few in the country to conduct highly insightful research studies aimed at differentiating the attitudes, lifestyles and buying patterns by generation. Using a unique method of differentiation based upon lifestyle questions, these studies have already enabled several hospitality industry companies to achieve major increases in brand awareness and sales.

What we discover in our research is that Boomers' decisions strongly affect and influence and their GenX children, and their grand children, as well as their parents for whom many Boomers are caretakers. There is so much involvement of each generation with each other. The Internet and e-mail enables even more communication and decision influence.

Created in conjunction with Phil Goodman's associate, Charles Schwartz of Los Angeles, we use the Generation Miner. The system encompasses the methodology, interpretation and applications to show you how your customers are influenced by other generations. Lifestyle (TM) research and analysis helps marketers to define what to say to get attention from Boomers and older and younger influencing generations and how to position your products, services and all marketing communications to maximize sales and profits.

What is Generation Miner really?

Generation Miner is a suite of tools that join the power of Lifestyle Marketing, psychographics and behavioral research to generational marketing. It takes into account differences in life experience that shape the values of each generation--differences which profoundly affect the ways that their members live and consume, and how they respond to advertising. It takes into account how and which generations in the household affect decision making, and the perceptions of each household member of the other generations choices in products and services.


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