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Who are the Boomers?

They are the largest generation in the history of the US. There were 76+ million babies born between 1946 and 1964. Boomers are today's adult teenagers. They grew up during the 60's and 70's but their ideas are so close to their kids, that they are the first generation to be for all practical purposes "raised by their kids."

Our research proves beyond a doubt that Boomers will never follow in the mindset or buying patterns of their parents. Age is irrelevant to Boomers. What they think and their lifestyles and families are the key factors.

What's really most important to the Boomers?
Boomers worry about 3 things:
1. staying young,
2. finances
3. their kids and grandkids.
The Boomers have a grand love affair with the Echoboomers. These are the Boomers' 72 million kids and grandkids who are more affluent, smarter, better traveled and more technology savy then any other generation of kids before them.

These kids influence 75% of the decisions in their homes to the tune of around $200-300 Billion! Some say the Boomers kids are the most spoiled generation. Others say they are the smartest, most caring and sensitive generation, with less drugs, drinking and teenage pregnancies then previous generations.

What Else Is Important?
Although Boomers are concerned about retirement, many have no desire to retire, and many will not be able to retire for financial reasons. Their divorces and remarriages have changed the relationships and issues in their households drastically.

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