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1. They're Everywhere! Boomers represent the largest generation in our population. At 80+ million, between the ages of 44 and 62, they exist at all levels and all occupations. Chapter 1: What is a Boomer of the"Boomer Marketing Revolution course" proves with graphs and charts the tremendous share that Boomers represent of births, marriage, net worth and education compared to each of the prior generations. The Generation Miner Research system, available from Generation Transitional Marketing, provides the framework to determine your Boomer customer profiles.

2. They're Powerful! Boomers have created the 2nd largest generation, the Echo Boomers- 70 million (aged 3-18). Many of the Generation X, aged 19-38 (41 million) have parents who are Boomers also. The best educated and the best traveled generation ever, Boomers love to spend. They have shown their kids and grandkids how to live well and have a good time. Boomers know enough about technology to invest in owning the gadgets which make life more enjoyable, even if they don't always totally understand how all of the technology works.

3. They're Independent! Boomers were raised in the 60's and 70's when everything. every institution and prior generation's values were questioned. Authority became a wall to be scaled, drilled through, moved or dismantled altogether. Change became the rule. They will not automatically buy what their parents bought nor do what their parents did. This Boomer attitude of Adult Teenager will remain the hallmark of Boomers and the generations thereafter until they die. Corporate change and restructuring has forced many Boomers to rethink and in many cases change their careers, in the middle of their maximum earning years. Many other Boomers go out on their own before the axe strikes because of their drive for independence, flexibility and family values.
Chapters 2 and 3: of the Boomer Marketing Revolution establish clearly that demographics no longer work to explain how Boomers buy. You must research their attitudes of individualism to understand how Boomers make decisions at all levels. Psychographics is the study of mental attitudes and is the only way to predict buying decisions. Our Generation Miner Research System employs psychographics which is 10 times more reliable then demographics to enable marketers to predict what Boomers will do.

4. They're Perceptive! Today's Boomers are not afraid to fail and keep on trying. They are short on patience, and in today's competitive Internet transparent environment, they are less loyal then ever. Boomers will never accept a supplier, vendor, distributor or manufacturer who's attitude either directly or implicitly is "company policies first" , customer needs second. User friendly was coined by Boomers in the 1980's; in the 1990's it became user interaction; in the new century, the user must be able to control the process from their own desktop. If it's not easy, quick and flexible to meet individual needs, the Boomer will go elsewhere, and you won't know why.

5. They're Negotiators! Taught in the 60's and 70's that authority was meant to be questioned, Boomers will argue, negotiate, cajole, until they get the changes they want, when they want it. Like our teenagers, Boomers are intent on changing everyone and everything else, without being willing to change themselves. High divorce rates attest to the fact that Boomers would rather switch then change themselves. Their lack of loyalty to brands, to their jobs are all an example of this Boomer characteristic.

6. They're Involved! Boomers care about the environment, their kids, their parents, less fortunate people and countries, money and education. They find more causes to champion particularly where kids and family issues are at stake. They contribute more money, advocate more change then any other generation before them. Politically, they are just as likely to split their vote among the parties, because the individual candidates are more imortant then sticking to a particular party platform.

7. They're not getting old gracefully! Medical science and space exploration have given Boomers more ways then any other generation to slow down, cover over, surgically change the signs of aging then ever before. They want to stay young, look good and stay sexually and physically active. They will do almost anything to avoid thinking or looking old like their parents. More overweight then ever, Boomers have made an art of dieting and eating at the same time. Both dieting and nutritional products are mainstays in the kitchens of Boomers and the generations after them, right along with the "fat" stuff!

8. They're Female Strong! The female Boomer population is almost 52% of the whole! Women control 80% of the consumer spending and a similar share of the wealth overall. That means that women are more powerful, independent, perceptive, involved, and skilled negotiators then any other female generation before them. Long gone are the days of being the "little woman", silent and obedient to male dictates.

Stress and fatigue is a major factor affecting almost all Boomer women. They've had to become skilled managers and time and resource jugglers. Over 75% of Boomers are working. Many manage households with a variety of kids from 2-22, as well as step kids, aging parents. No previous generation of mothers has ever been so multifunctional, so involved with family and careers at the same time. Pampering if they can squeeze it in is a high priority.

Boomer women care deeply about their kids, grandkids and increasingly more dependent parents. Family issues, coupled with increasing disillusion with the employment world, are driving Boomer women into their own businesses, or to part time work where flexibility is paramount.
Chapter 4 of the "Boomer Marketing Revolution course shows how the values that have been labeled as feminine: compassion, cooperation, nurturing and patience have made it into mainstream thinking.

Boomer women lead the way in wealth, their vote, their voice for society change, their concerns about education. Their drive to succeed in business and government creates the groundwork for their children to have a wider variety of choices.then ever before. The daughters and sons of the Boomers reflect a desire to slow down and enjoy life to a much greater degree because of the individualistic values and lifestyle flexibility of their Boomer parents.

9. They're Wealthy! Boomers are poised to inherit trillions from parents. Their parents wouldn't spend on themselves but were quite willing to give their scrimpted savings to their Boomer offspring.

Using their own and inherited funds, more Boomers then any other generation are investing in a variety of financial products. Using the Internet, they manage their individual portfolios in ways that simply were not available to previous generations. Once again, the key word is individual. Boomers manage their own finances and portfolios, using today's software and the Internet.

10. They're fun seeking! Boomers lead a very stressed life and put high value in travel and leisure to relieve their stress. They've taken more cruises, vacations with kids then any other generation. They've learned the hard way that there is no job security and there's little appreciation for their hard work. Individualistic at heart, many have opted out of the traditional office in order to embrace the personal flexibility that technology offers working from home.

What should you do? To find out how your company can take advantage of the Boomer Marketing Revolution, order our Boomer Marketing Revolution course, and call to receive a FREE initial marketing analysis using our Generation Mining System, ask for Rosemary Moskowitz, at 610-664-7726 , or send e-mail to info@boomermarketing.com

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